Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hemispheric Brief to Remain in Hibernation, Por Ahora

Dear Briefistas:

As most of you have probably gathered by now, I’ve officially handed off the Hemispheric Daily Briefings Google Group. Due to other obligations, I’ll no longer be able to keep up with Hemispheric Brief schedule as before, but I trust Geoff Ramsey and Julia Sick won’t miss a beat and will keep all those who appreciate the daily posts satisfied. You can continue to read those posts, in a format similar to what was begun at Hemispheric Brief, over at their site Pan-American Post, or by e-mail. In addition, you may be asked to join a Google Group they will manage and moderate at some point in the coming days or weeks.

Over the past few years, a number of other excellent daily round-ups have also emerged, and I always recommend subscribing to CEPR’s Latin America News Round-up (English-language links) and Just the Facts daily Selected Links (English and Spanish), both of which do an excellent job providing a broad review of each day’s top stories from across the region.

For those who like their news in 140 characters or less, I have also, at long last, migrated over to Twitter. I know there are those who prefer receiving the news (and birth-certificates) in “long-form,” but please feel free to follow @jf_string (or add to your RSS reader) to see what I’m reading/sharing from around Greater America.

Finally, for the historically-minded, you’ll also be able to find me at Radical History Review, where I’ll be taking over editing responsibilities, starting in September.

For now, I wish the best to all. It's been a pleasure. And do stay in touch. Saludos, JFS