Monday, May 4, 2009

340,000 Uruguayans Call for Vote on Impunity Law: May 4, 2009

For the last year I've been reporting on a citizen's campaign in Uruguay to annul a controversial impunity law (the Ley de Caducidad) which has sheltered some military and police officials for human rights abuses committed during Uruguay's 1973-1985 dictatorship. While I'm currently out of Uruguay, a little over one week ago in Montevideo, approx. 340,000 signatures were submitted to the Uruguayan electoral court who now has 90 days to approve the signatures and set a plebiscite for late October. The signatures represent many more than the 250,000+ needed to initiate a plebiscite in Uruguay (10% of the eligible voting population is required), and it's an exciting development for Uruguay's human rights community--many of whom have fought to have the Ley de Caducidad annulled or repealed since the late 1980s. You can read my latest piece on the matter here at where I contribute from time to time. And for other reports I've filed on the subject, check here, here, and here.

Photo: Marcha de Silencio, Montevideo, May 2008

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