Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer/Winter Break Begins

Dear Readers:

Today’s posting will be my last for the summer as I head south to Chile for the next few months. Starting next week, Geoffrey Ramsey will be taking over the reins of the Hemispheric Briefings Mailing List. Geoff has been writing for indispensable site since its launch late last year and will no doubt do an excellent job covering all the important happenings in the region over the next 2-3 months.

If you’re already a member of the Google Group (i.e. you’re reading this message as an email), you should be receiving the daily newsletter in your inbox as usual. However, the public site where I post each day ( will likely be in hibernation until August. Instead, you should be able to find Geoff’s daily posts with all the usual links at I wish everyone an excellent summer. Saludos, JFS