Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Important: Blogging Break

Dear Readers,

I started writing these daily briefs almost 18 months ago. However, starting tomorrow I’ll be taking a break – heading South for a couple of months to exchange New York summer for Brazilian winter. But fear not. The reins are being passed along. Pablo Espinel has been hired on to keep the daily news coming.

Pablo comes with a background in international relations and journalism. He completed a Master’s in international affairs at Columbia and has also written for Newsweek International so you’re in good hands.

He’ll soon be posting his daily briefs at his own public blog Latin America in the Media. Bookmark that site or add to your list of RSS feeds. (Hemispheric Brief will be lying dormant).

However, if you’re currently a subscriber to the “Hemispheric Daily Briefings” Google Group (i.e. you received this message directly by email), you should not have to change a thing. We think we’ve figured out how to get a link to Pablo’s daily posts sent directly to the Google Group list. Of course, please bear with us for the first few days of transition as there may be some minor technical glitches.

Any questions, comments, or concerns, drop me a note. If not, I hope to be back in September. And thanks to all for reading!



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